
Stetson volunteers track big corporate sources of political money

As part of the Dirty Money Project, VoteWater partnered with the Jacobs Public Interest Law Clinic for Democracy and the Environment at the Stetson University College of Law. Stetson volunteers scrutinized political donations from some of the biggest corporate special interests in Florida, and tracked giving to some of the biggest PACs (political action committees) in the state.

Major findings include:

  • Between Jan. 1, 2018 and July 5, 2024, U.S. Sugar gave $22.8 to state candidates and PACs. Florida Crystals spent $13.7 million, while the Sugar Cane Growers Cooperative spent another $212,892. All told, these three "Big Sugar" interests spent a combined $36.7 million over the span.
  • Big utilities gave even more, with TECO spending $21.7 million, NextEra Energy/Florida Power & Light spending $20.6 million and Duke Energy spending $13.5 million, for a combined total of $55.8 million.
  • Many of the biggest PACs in the state reaped millions from corporate contributions, money then spent on campaigns or funneled through other PACs. Among the PACs scrutinized: the Associated Industries of Florida PAC got $8.3 million in corporate contributions during the span; the Voice of Florida Business PAC got $7.2 million; and the Florida Chamber of Commerce PAC got $7.1 million.

For the complete report, click the links below.

Our thanks to the students and staff at the Jacobs Law Clinic for all their hard work!

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