At a funding rate of $200 million per year by the state and federal government-something that has not been achieved-completion of CERP will take at least 30 years.
In 2000, the state and federal government passed the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP) to address many infrastructure projects needed to restore the Everglades. CERP, located in Title IV of Public Law 106-541 also known as the Water Resources Development Act of 2000, is comprised of 68 component projects and was slated to cost $8.2 billion. A revised cost estimate is anticipated in 2020, with some projecting the cost of CERP to be over $20 billion. None of the 68 projects in CERP are expected to be completed by 2020. To date, the federal government has appropriated approximately $1.37 billion and the state approximately $2.64 billion for a total of $4 billion. The National Academies of Sciences in their 2018 biennial review of CERP estimated that, at current funding rates, completing just authorized projects would take approximately 65 years

At a funding rate of $200 million per year by the state and federal government-something that has not been achieved-completion of CERP will take at least 30 years from now, and perhaps 40 to 50 years when revised cost estimates are issued.