

Deep Dive: Seagrass shows signs of life in the Indian River Lagoon

July 18, 2024

Boy, we could use some good news about Florida’s environment. So here it is: Seagrass appears to be making a comeback — at least for now, at least to a limited degree and at least in some areas — in…

Deep Dive: What will it cost to fix the Indian River Lagoon?

February 1, 2024

When is $100 million not a lot of money? When it comes to saving the Indian River Lagoon. In December, Gov. Ron DeSantis announced the allocation of $100 million in state funds through the Indian River Lagoon Protection Program for…

Clean-water funding + dirty water legislation = no progress

December 20, 2023

Dear VoteWater community: The things we’d really like Santa to bring would never fit into a stocking. Clean water: Santa could pour some in but it would make a mess. Of course, it couldn’t hold a Christmas candle to the…

With billions needed for water projects, Florida needs to get better organized

October 20, 2023

Did you know that for all the money being spent on water quality projects in Florida, the state has no comprehensive, well-vetted list of which projects should get priority in terms of funding and start date? And wouldn’t it be…

Sugar spin ALERT: That mailer you got about septic was mean, green – and totally bogus

September 27, 2023

“Listen to the Science,” screamed the headline of the flyer that showed up in Martin County mailboxes (and perhaps elsewhere) last week. “SEWAGE is Killing Our Local Waterways.” The ALARMING WORDS were framed in multiple pictures of blue-green algae. Flipping…

Should we really roll the dice and roll back fertilizer bans?

August 16, 2023

Summertime fertilizer bans are common throughout Florida. Statewide, 18 counties and more than 100 municipalities have a “strong” fertilizer ordinance that, among other things, include strict, no-exemption rainy season bans. Two reasons for that: first, many fertilizers include nitrogen and…

VoteWater Deep Dive: Will septic-to-sewer conversions solve our water quality problems?

April 20, 2023

Nobody likes to think about what happens after they flush the toilet. But that out-of-sight-out-of-mind waste can cause serious problems to Florida’s environmentally fragile waterways. A lot of the people who have been thinking about the problem think the state…
