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Why Don’t Dead Dolphins Worry Our Leaders?

March 28, 2019

The human health crisis blooming in Florida is becoming harder to ignore. Last week a new study showed that dolphins are testing positive for fatal neurological disorders–similar to Alzheimer’s–after chronic exposure to toxic algae in the same waters that we…


Do We Fix Our Problems Sooner? Or Later?

March 21, 2019

Who would lobby to solve a problem s-l-o-w-e-r? By changing the operational priorities for Lake Okeechobee’s management, we could be on the brink of an amazing shift in water policy with the potential to transform South Florida forever… right NOW……

Dead fish pile up during Florida's Toxic Summer. Orlando Sentinel photo.

Deal to Sell Off Water Sneaking through Florida legislature

March 14, 2019

Hey, look over there! While federal and state agencies and a legion of Florida policymakers and water management experts scramble to rebuild the disastrous Lake Okeechobee Regulation Schedule–the operating manual that led to last summer’s toxic bloom catastrophe–the state legislature has…

Toxic algae warning, Stuart, Florida

No One Should be Above the Law. Or the Truth.

March 7, 2019

No one should be above the law. Or above the truth. That could have been the unifying theme of Governor Ron DeSantis’ demand for the resignation of every member of the South Florida Water Management District’s Board of Governors. For years…


International Women’s Day Yoga for Clean Water

March 5, 2019

Celebrate International Women’s Day with Bullsugar on Friday by centering your mind, body, and soul, eating well, and supporting the fight for clean water! Bullsugar.org is teaming up with Oceavasana and Ital Bowls Food Truck to host a beach front yoga event! …

Lake Okeechobee discharges started up again on February 23rd

Lake Okeechobee Discharges Have Started Again

February 28, 2019

There’s too much water in Lake Okeechobee. ACOE said so last Friday, announcing the agency was going to have to open the locks to the east and west. Discharges began last weekend: 500 cfs from lake to the St. Lucie…

Port Mayaca Locks. Photo credit: US Army Corps of Engineers.

Residents’ Message to Army Corps: This is NOT a Game

February 21, 2019

People are waiting hours for two minutes at the microphone. The stories they’re telling at the Army Corps’ public meetings on water management are sometimes hard to listen to. Watching their dogs die. Wondering whether the neurological diseases crippling their…

SFWMD argued that the sugarcane industry no longer needs federal oversight to ensure it isn't polluting the Everglades

Judge Refuses to End Pollution Oversight in Everglades

February 14, 2019

“No.” The last holdouts on Rick Scott’s South Florida Water Management District governing board had gone years without hearing this answer from any authority, but things in Florida are different now. On Monday US Judge Federico Moreno denied their request,…


JOIN US: Get Ready to Speak Up For Our Community

February 12, 2019

Scores of Treasure Coast residents have already gone on record. Now it’s your turn. The Army Corps of Engineers is offering opportunities all across the state to residents, visitors, and anyone else who holds places in Florida close to their…

Public Input Needed: Is Lake Okeechobee Management Working for You?

February 7, 2019

We need your help. The Army Corps is reviewing its rules for managing Lake Okeechobee, and they want to hear whether discharges or toxic blooms have impacted people’s lives and livelihoods. They’re gathering comments in a series of public forums,…
