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Mosquito Lagoon Guide Calls it Quits, In Face of Ecosystem Collapse

March 15, 2018

Long-time Mosquito Lagoon guide, Billy Rotne recently found himself faced with a choice of moral and financial significance: Continue adding pressure to a system in peril, risking shared responsibility for its fast-increasing decline, or walk away from a cherished location…

Dead zones and hypoxia are taking a massive toll on Chesapeake Bay fisheries

Coastal Conservationists, We’re On Our Own

March 12, 2018

Tony Friedrich has a warning for Florida fisherman: No one has your back. Friedrich has spent the better part of his life fighting a mostly uphill battle over the Chesapeake. He has watched a national treasure slowly degrade and coastal…

Indian River Afternoon. Photo by Kristof Reuther.

The Dirty Politics of Clean Water

March 7, 2018

Karl Wickstrom, founder of Florida Sportsman, was a champion of clean water before most of us knew we needed to fight for it. He’s heard enough empty political promises to recognize the tricks, and he knew right away where the…

Dead grassflats scoured bare by discharges to the St. Lucie River. Photo by Jacqui Thurlow-Lippisch

Time for Sugar to Clean Up its Own Pollution?

March 1, 2018

Mark Perry of Florida Oceanographic Society says this all better than we could. Scientists estimate that the Everglades reservoir plan needs another 6,500 acres to work properly, and the sugar industry warns any expansion better come from public land. This is after…


Scientists Grade the Everglades Reservoir Plan: F

February 22, 2018

It doesn’t work. The first scientific evaluations of Florida’s EAA reservoir plan were publicly released last week, and the findings are bleak: it can’t operate at full capacity without violating pollution standards. But it wouldn’t take much to fix it.…

The Everglades flooded in 2017 while neighboring sugarcane fields stayed dry

Who Paid the Price for Sugar’s Record Year?

February 15, 2018

Florida’s sugar industry just posted one of the best years in its history, even as the Everglades and virtually everyone in South Florida suffered one of the worst. It’s not a coincidence. Managing water in Florida means picking winners and…

State water managers couldn't find enough public land to expand the EAA reservoir plan. Can you?

SFWMD Can’t Find More Public Land. It’s Up to Us.

February 9, 2018

The map below might be the best possible illustration of how little the public–taxpayers and voters–matter to the people who control our water. This afternoon the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) board unofficially rubber-stamped a weak plan to send a little…

Famed fly tyer Tom Baltz signs the Now Or Neverglades Declaration at the Bullsugar-Patagonia Booth at The Fly Fishing Show

How the Nation Sees Florida’s Water Crises

February 1, 2018

People around the country are watching Florida. They know about our water issues. They know our estuaries are collapsing. They know the Everglades are dying. And they want to help. Those are some of the broad messages we’ve gotten from talking…


Support The Commissioners That Have Supported Us

January 22, 2018

WE now have three commissioners that Big Sugar helped elect. They’ve bought their way into our Chamber of Commerce and our Economic Council. They have joined forces with the Lake Point rockpit people to try to get Sarah Heard and…


The EAA Reservoir Doesn’t Need Willing Sellers

January 18, 2018

There’s a myth–really a lie–that we need to set straight right now: “willing sellers.” Almost a year ago, before the EAA reservoir bill switched to locating the project on public property, US Sugar and Florida Crystals shouted themselves hoarse that…
