Lessons Learned from Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) Systems in the United States
Lessons Learned from Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) Systems in the United States
ARTICLE REFERENCE: Lessons Learned from Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) Systems in the United States
This paper is the result of a survey and analyses of available data from 204 Aquifer Storage and
Recovery (ASR) sites in the United States. This ASR site survey included all active and inactive sites
and collected both operational and construction details. The inactive sites are of particular inter-
est here because these are the projects from which valuable lessons can often be learned. The in-
tent of this paper is to examine the reasons for those projects that are terminated. Statistical ana-
lyses indicated that there were factors associated with terminated ASR projects: general geo-
graphic location (e.g., region), operational issue, storage cycle, casing material, and injection for-
mation. The injection formation involves local geology and aquifer characteristics (i.e., whether
the aquifer is leaky and/or unconfined, and if water can be displaced to surface water bodies or
adjacent aquifers). Operational problems associated with inactive projects include well clogging,
metals mobilization, a low percentage of recovery for injected water, and disinfection byproducts
in the recovered water.
Aquifer Storage and Recovery, Inactive, Clogging, Recovery
1. Introduction
In some areas of the world, treated or treatable water is being injected and stored beneath the earth’s surface in
aquifers (i.e., aquifer storage programs) to preserve current water resources for future uses, plan for future
droughts, retain instead of releasing surplus water during times of plenty, recharge wellfields and/or store water
… Thus, if recharge water is not adequately treated, clogging may result in quick failures of ASR operations. On the other hand, within rural catchments, groundwater pollution may be the major obstacle to the successful ASR operations since many rural residents rely solely on groundwater for potable use (Bloetscher et al., 2014). Bloetscher et al. (2014) surveyed 204 ASR sites in the United States (see Fig. 1). …… On the other hand, within rural catchments, groundwater pollution may be the major obstacle to the successful ASR operations since many rural residents rely solely on groundwater for potable use (Bloetscher et al., 2014). Bloetscher et al. (2014) surveyed 204 ASR sites in the United States (see Fig. 1). Among the sites examined, 11 sites were abandoned due to clogging. …… In these regions, treated or treatable water is being injected and stored in aquifers in order to retain surplus water for later use (American Water Works Association, 2014). Consequently, ASR applications are common in arid climates (water deficiency), coastal regions (seawater intrusion), and the areas having pronounced wet and dry seasons (unbalanced water budget) (Bloetscher et al., 2014). …
… Storage issues are compounded by nutrient runoff, algal blooms and other water quality impairment issues. Aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) has been helpful on the west coast of Florida, but it has been less successful on the east coast and central part of the state (Bloetscher et al., 2014;Bloetscher et al., 2015). The need for large volumes of water also exceeds the ASR potential (Bloetscher et al., 2014;Bloetscher et al., 2015). …… Aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) has been helpful on the west coast of Florida, but it has been less successful on the east coast and central part of the state (Bloetscher et al., 2014;Bloetscher et al., 2015). The need for large volumes of water also exceeds the ASR potential (Bloetscher et al., 2014;Bloetscher et al., 2015). As a result, Florida is already facing an increasing need for innovative water supply source management solutions, including indirect (and potentially direct) potable reuse, that can be an effective part of the integrated water management approach. …
… Another alternative solution, aquifer storage and recovery, has met with some success along Florida’s West Coast; but it has not been as successful in southeast Florida or North Florida, likely due to confinement/formation, recovery, and metals recovery issues (Bloetscher et al. 2014). Also, while aquifer storage and recovery may be useful for utilities, agriculture is unlikely to pursue it as a water management strategy due to its higher cost that current supplies and the recovery uncertainty. …… In short, the future Florida condition will be characterized by a warmer climate, greater variability in storm intensity, greater extremes in temperature, (Marshall et al 2003) as well as uncertainty about rainfall and timing of same. Floridians should anticipate sea level rise that will threaten infrastructure reliability, economic activity, property values, public health and put population risks (Bloetscher et al. 2012(Bloetscher et al. , 2014(Bloetscher et al. , 2016, all of which will be tied to Florida’s changing climate. …
… ASR projects are similarly experiencing a surge of interest in developed countries. The number of ASR projects in the US has increased from less than ten wells in the 1960s to over 200 wells after 2010, including projects in Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, and Washington (Bloetscher et al., 2014). For example, El Paso Water Utilities in Texas uses reclaimed wastewater to recharge the Hueco Basin aquifer, and has recharged approximately 74.7 million cubic metres (Mm 3 ) in 18 years (Sheng, 2005). …… One of the advantages of ASR is that it restores the natural storage potential of aquifers. Nevertheless, it has serious disadvantages as well, such as intensive energy use, the need to protect aquifer water quality from potentially contaminated recharge water, the possibility of clogged aquifer pore spaces from excessive sediment concentrations, and the potential need for land modification to enhance recharge (Bloetscher et al., 2014). As an alternative water-storage strategy, river restoration projects that increase the storage capacity of floodplains and wetlands have the potential to significantly enhance climate-change resilience by storing excess water during wet periods and releasing it during dry periods (Palmer et al., 2009). …
… The variation in recharge rate was due to increase in TSS of canal water. Clogging was the major hindrance in aquifer recharge as it caused declines in recharge rates and ultimately the failure of artificial recharge systems (Rinck-Pfeiffer et al., 2013;Bloetscher et al., 2014). On the basis of the study, it is suggested that government should take initiatives to encourage the public to restructure these unused wells for artificial groundwater recharge instead of abandoning and closing the wells and TSS of canal water should be kept low to maintain the recharge rate from abandoned well. …
… Managed aquifer recharge using infiltration wells is a method used for recharging depleted, brackish, or polluted aquifers, with wide application in arid and semi-arid regions of the United States (Bloetscher et al. 2014), Australia (Dillon et al. 2016), Europe and elsewhere (Stefan and Ansems 2017). The technology implies injection of water into the aquifer continuously or periodically and its subsequent extraction. …