

The Bravest Thing You Can Do Without Getting Shot At

March 17, 2017

In a fight as bitter as Florida’s struggle for clean water, virtually no one can manage to face the opposition with civility and a constructive outlook, much less a smile. If you haven’t met Maggy Hurchalla, you should–even if she’s…

Does a Spoonful of Sugar Help the Toxic Algae Go Down? Nope.

March 17, 2017

Political cartoonists know they’re on the mark when their targets blow up. Herblock drove Nixon crazy. Thomas Nast did the same to Boss Tweed. Garry Trudeau enraged tobacco companies. Here in Florida, Andy Marlette infuriates Big Sugar. His work is…

This from a State that Brags about its Water

March 9, 2017

SB10 made it over its next hurdle in the Senate this week, although not without a few surprises. Sen. Bradley opened by reiterating the inexcusable conditions that coastal communities experienced as a result of toxic discharges. He noted that a…

Want to Make Glades Communities Safe from Flooding? Build a Southern Spillway.

March 9, 2017

Several prominent Florida politicians have suggested that storing more water in Lake Okeechobee is the key to fixing our water management problems. But without an emergency spillway–as Californians learned last month–a bigger dike is only a bigger threat to the…

The Heroes Are Stepping Up

March 3, 2017

Across Florida the heroes are stepping up. This week more lawmakers from all around Florida and both sides of the aisle joined in support of Sen. Pres. Joe Negron and SB10/HB761 to fix our broken plumbing for good. In Ft. Myers, Rep. Heather Fitzenhagen,…

One Angry Man

February 24, 2017

Four in favor, one against. Last week Martin County Commissioners voted 4-1 to draft a resolution in support of Sen. Pres. Joe Negron’s SB 10. (Only Comm. Doug Smith voted no.) It was a show of support and gratitude for Negron’s courage,…

Has JP Sasser Lost His Mind?

February 17, 2017

Has Sunshine State News contributor J.P. Sasser lost his mind?! “Out of this 40% unemployment, my argument is how much of that 40% is actually employable. How much of that 40% would get up and go to work every morning if there…

SB10 has to be a Win for Glades

February 10, 2017

February 7th’s senate hearing in Tallahassee was a win for the Everglades and our estuaries. Senate Bill 10, calling for the expedited planning and completion of a southern reservoir, took a step in the right direction with unanimous approval from the…

Treasure Coast Republicans Face a Choice: Water or Sugar

February 2, 2017

The ugliest threat to SB 10, Senate President Joe Negron’s bill to cut toxic discharges to the Treasure Coast, may come from mercenary community leaders in his home district. While Martin county’s elected officials, led by Negron, have championed a…

Devil Quotes the Scriptures: SFWMD Shapes Science to Lobby Against EAA Reservoir

January 20, 2017

Our state officials frequently remind people, “I’m not a scientist,” but they don’t let it stop them from arguing science. The South Florida Water Management District recently tried to undermine Sen. Joe Negron’s proposal to reduce toxic discharges, attempting to “shape” available science…
