
Florida water

For Giving Tuesday, a look at VoteWater’s 2023 impact

November 27, 2023

At VoteWater, we fight for better policies and better policy-makers who stand up to special interests like Big Sugar. We educate voters to make informed choices at the ballot box. And we work to preserve the natural beauty of our waterways…

With billions needed for water projects, Florida needs to get better organized

October 20, 2023

Did you know that for all the money being spent on water quality projects in Florida, the state has no comprehensive, well-vetted list of which projects should get priority in terms of funding and start date? And wouldn’t it be…

Sugar spin ALERT: That mailer you got about septic was mean, green – and totally bogus

September 27, 2023

“Listen to the Science,” screamed the headline of the flyer that showed up in Martin County mailboxes (and perhaps elsewhere) last week. “SEWAGE is Killing Our Local Waterways.” The ALARMING WORDS were framed in multiple pictures of blue-green algae. Flipping…
