
Indian River Lagoon

DEEP DIVE: What’s killing lagoon dolphins?

February 6, 2025

Three bottlenose dolphins recently found dead in the Indian River Lagoon appear to have died of an unusual — and alarming — cause. News reports indicate the three dolphins tested positive for bird flu; and results are pending on other…

DEEP DIVE: What the muck? How ‘black mayonnaise’ impacts our waters

December 11, 2024

Let’s face it: The Indian River Lagoon and its tributaries are mucked up. That is, they’re full of muck, a gooey mix of eroded soil, animal waste and both organic and inorganic matter that covers about 6,000 acres of the…

Deep Dive: Baby manatees are dying – and it might be a sign of recovery

September 26, 2024

So far this year, 133 baby manatee have been found dead in Florida, a mortality rate more than twice the five-year average and more deaths than any other entire year since the state began keeping records in 1974. Still, manatee…

Deep Dive: Seagrass shows signs of life in the Indian River Lagoon

July 18, 2024

Boy, we could use some good news about Florida’s environment. So here it is: Seagrass appears to be making a comeback — at least for now, at least to a limited degree and at least in some areas — in…

Deep Dive: What will it cost to fix the Indian River Lagoon?

February 1, 2024

When is $100 million not a lot of money? When it comes to saving the Indian River Lagoon. In December, Gov. Ron DeSantis announced the allocation of $100 million in state funds through the Indian River Lagoon Protection Program for…

Using tech to fight algae – so we don’t have to crack down on polluters

September 21, 2023

Another day, another “technological” fix for Florida’s dirty water. Today’s news story comes to you from the Indian River Lagoon, where Florida Today recently reported on how attempts to “harvest” harmful algae via a floating barge could make the lagoon…

VoteWater Deep Dive: Seagrass is returning to the Indian River Lagoon! … Or is it?

July 25, 2023

In southern lagoon new seagrass is sprouting; in northern lagoon progress is slower. But Lake O discharges and impacts from development could ruin it all. Lorae Simpson is seeing an unusual sight in the Indian River Lagoon this summer. “When…
