Why we fight

Cast net fisherman take to the St. Lucie River on Jan. 12, 2023, in Martin County.

It doesn’t get more American than this.

Leading up to the Fourth of July, Florida beaches and waterways were packed. Families in the sand, music and cold beverages on the boat, some fishing, some swimming — that’s why we live here, that’s why so many people come here.

It’s what VoteWater fights for every day.

We spend a lot of time talking about what’s wrong with our system, about the systemic pollution of our waterways and the political corruption that makes it possible. We talk about how things seem to be getting worse, how we need stronger policy and better politicians.

All that’s crucial.

But sometimes you have to stop and cherish the things you’re fighting for.

Paddleboarders move over Sailfish Flats on Thursday, Jan. 12, 2023, in Martin County.

We fight for the families, the boaters, the fishing guides, the paddleboarders who want to enjoy our beautiful waters without worrying: “What’s in this water? Is it safe?”

Indeed, we fight for the notion that Floridians have a right to clean water — which is why we back the drive for a Constitutional amendment in Florida. And you should too.

We fight for marine life, so crucial to the ecological health of our waterways and beyond. Where marine life is threatened, so is the local economy; so is the local way of life.

We fight to protect human health from the growing threat of toxic blue-green algae.

We fight for a permanent solution to the Lake Okeechobee problem, not just to reduce harmful discharges but eliminate them altogether. This is why we usually don’t “cheerlead” incremental progress or projects that get us part of the way there. Incremental progress is good, but it’s not enough. We need more land, more water storage. And we need to be working on it now.

We fight to hold polluters accountable, and that’s why we “follow the money.” There’s much more on that topic we’ll be sharing soon — so stay tuned.

The natural beauty of Florida’s amazing waterways, the stunning biodiversity, the way of life made possible by clean and fresh water — these are all things well worth fighting for.

And if you’re reading this, you probably feel the same. Thanks for all that you do.

Please consider sharing this with others who don’t yet realize the trouble we’re in.

And please consider supporting our efforts with a donation, or by becoming a member of VoteWater. Your support powers our efforts — we simply couldn’t keep up the fight without you.

And we’ve got a lot more fight in us — and we hope you do, too.