The Issues
Dedicated to stopping the damaging discharges into the St. Lucie and Caloosahatchee estuaries and restoring the flow of clean freshwater to Florida Bay.
At a funding rate of $200 million per year by the state and federal government-something that has not been achieved-completion of CERP will take at least 30 years.
A change in the operational management of the lake does not replace the need for more infrastructure, but rather focuses on a near-term fix.
Land in the EAA
Additional land within the Everglades Agricultural Area is needed to store, CLEAN, and move water from Lake Okeechobee south through the River of Grass.
Sugar Subsidies
Sugar subsidies are corporate welfare, and they have warped Florida's water management and government to the benefit primarily of 2 billionaire families.
Florida Water Quality
Too many nutrients entering coastal waters cause plankton and algae blooms the shade light from seagrasses, which kills the seagrasses.