

How ‘Dirty Money’ keeps the powerful in power

November 10, 2023

Here at VoteWater we’re hip-deep in research for our “Dirty Money Project,” and we’ve noticed something interesting: Both sides — that is, Republicans and Democrats — take money from polluting special interests. But the amount they get coincides with the…

Manatee County decision to gut wetlands protections shows the need to “Vote Water”

August 25, 2023

VoteWater’s Gil Smart makes the case in this video:

Introducing the Dirty Money Project: Because dirty money = dirty water

August 10, 2023

As a VoteWater supporter, you’ve long known that dirty money = dirty water. Campaign cash from polluting industries buys influence in Tallahassee, Washington, D.C., even your local county commission chambers. This results in laws that protect polluters and prevent progress…

Big Sugar already spending big ahead of 2024 elections

June 7, 2023

The 2024 election cycle may seem a long way off. But Big Sugar’s already started to “invest” in compliant politicians and shady political action committees. State campaign finance records show that in the first quarter of 2023, the sugar industry’s…

Pro-sprawl Senate Bill 540: Here’s who voted for it

April 21, 2023

Given the clout the sprawl industry wields in Florida, it’s hardly surprising the Florida Senate passed controversial Senate Bill 540 on April 19, over the objections of conservation groups (like VoteWater) and citizen advocates around Florida. The bill, which may…

The election is over; the fight for clean water is not

November 9, 2022

The 2022 general election has come and gone; how, ultimately, will it impact Florida’s troubled waters? We’ll find out soon enough. Two VoteWater endorsed candidates prevailed last night; Congressman Brian Mast won re-lection to his 21st District seat; in the…

This election day, vote for clean-water candidates

November 8, 2022

Today is election day — and the future of clean water in Florida may hang in the balance. How will the leaders we elect today vote on clean-water issues? Will they stand up to special interests, or will “dirty money”…

Our voter guides grade candidates on clean water and ‘dirty money’

November 2, 2022

Are you ready to Vote Water? With the Nov. 8 general election less than a week away, and early voting in full swing, Floridians are in the process of shaping our collective future. Will cleaner water be part of it?…

Clean water wasn’t part of DeSantis-Crist debate. But new fish kill, red tide suggest we’ll all be talking about it soon enough

October 27, 2022

At the sole gubernatorial debate between incumbent Republican and Democratic challenger Charlie Crist, clean water wasn’t on the agenda. No questions were asked about the environment; DeSantis briefly mentioned his contribution to Everglades restoration in his closing remarks. And that…

Voter guides: Who’s getting dirty money – and why it matters

October 24, 2022

We’ve got an election coming up in two weeks. Do you know which campaigns are keeping it clean — and which campaigns are powered by “dirty money?” “Dirty money” means political contributions from special interests to candidates, or to political…
