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Don’t let LOSOM get hijacked at the last minute

January 25, 2022

There’s a heist afoot. But you can do something to stop it. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is nearing the completion of the Lake Okeechobee System Operating Manual, the new “playbook” which will govern how the lake is managed…

‘Blue-Green Ben’ Albritton’s bad bills could take major toll on Florida’s water

January 18, 2022

The Florida Legislature has convened in Tallahassee, which should make every fan of clean water shudder. Actually there are several good bills under consideration this year, from measures to adopt more recommendations from the state’s Blue-Green Algae Task Force to…

We already know who lost the CD-20 election: Big Sugar

January 9, 2022

In the Jan. 11 special election for the Congressional District 20 seat, we have a pretty good idea who’ll win. But we also know who won’t: Big Sugar. Democrat Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick is heavily favored in the left-leaning district, where she…

Florida has lost 44% of its wetlands since 1845

December 31, 2021

Article Reference: Florida has lost 44% of its wetlands since 1845. What is the environmental impact? By Tony Judnich for The Northwest Florida Daily News “While some folks might view them as messy, bug-infested places to avoid, swamps, marshes and…

Without change, we may have to feed the manatees forever

December 16, 2021

Normally it’s against the law to feed manatees. Now it might be the only way to keep them alive. In early December the “unusual mortality event” which killed a record 1,038 manatees in Florida this year prompted federal officials to…

On #GivingTuesday, your support can help us fight for your right to clean water across Florida

November 30, 2021

At VoteWater we’ve got a new name and new leadership. But we’re dealing with the same old problem: Florida’s waters are in bad shape, and things are getting worse. Manatees are dying in droves as seagrass dies off, some of…

On #GivingTuesday, your donation to VoteWater is crucial

November 24, 2021

Giving Tuesday is a time when people around the world hope their dollars can make a difference. This year, your generosity can be a game-changer for Florida’s imperiled waters, and all who rely on them. Bullsugar.org is now VoteWater, and…

As of today, Bullsugar is officially VoteWater

November 19, 2021

As of today, Bullsugar is now officially VoteWater. The name change reflects our renewed commitment identifying and supporting candidates who’ll fight for clean water and stand up to the powerful interests that impede change. Until now our focus and our…

How sweet it is: Cherfilus-McCormick won without Big Sugar’s money

November 16, 2021

Big Sugar? Who needs ‘em? And who needs their money? Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick came out on top in the neck-and-neck race in the South Florida 20th Congressional District Democratic primary this month, edging Dale Holness by just five votes. Her win…

Change is afoot in the heart of Big Sugar country

November 3, 2021

It could take up to a week before we know whether Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick or Dale Holness prevailed in the Democratic primary in Florida’s 20th District. But while we don’t yet know who won, we do know who lost: Big Sugar.…
