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Bullsugar Announces Debut of Clean Water Election Site, VoteWater.org

May 28, 2020

Today, Bullsugar.org is proud to announce the debut of a new initiative, Vote Water, that will spearhead our clean-water voter guides for the 2020 election season. VoteWater.org is a nonpartisan, grassroots effort designed to help Floridians identify clean-water candidates committed…

Happy #GivingTuesdayNow – A Day of Global Giving!

May 4, 2020

Today is #GivingTuesdayNow! For 24 hours, #GivingTuesdayNow is a chance for people everywhere to stand together in unity by powering the movements that they care about, even amidst all the strangeness and uncertainty resulting from COVID-19. Floridians know that improving…

#GivingTuesdayNow is One Week From Today!

April 28, 2020

Election season is coming! Your feedback has been loud and clear — no matter the changes happening in the world as a result of the coronavirus, people still care about protecting Florida’s most precious resources. Floridians are ready to Vote…

The Latest From the Clean-Water Front

April 23, 2020

Because of the unusual times, we may be showing up less in your inbox right now but we’re here to assure you that we’ve had our heads down working to bring Bullsugar supporters some of our most important projects. An…

“Voting Water” Still Matters in 2020

March 26, 2020

We are who we are because of you. Over the past 6 years, Bullsugar has relied on an army of grassroots support, in Florida and across the country, to fight the state’s most pressing water issues. We’ve asked you to…

The Beat Goes On…

March 19, 2020

A peek into the Everglades reminds us that spring flowers are blossoming, completely indifferent to the events of the world. Every person on Earth is watching to see what happens as the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve. As alarming as…

Caloosahatchee Advocate Joins Bullsugar Board

March 12, 2020

Bullsugar has a strong new ally: our newest board member, former Lee County Commissioner Ray Judah. Ray brings deep experience in environmental advocacy, particularly in Southwest Florida, that is sure to add an inspiring presence to the Bullsugar team. As…

Who Stands to Benefit From Wells North of the Lake?

March 5, 2020

Why is the state of Florida spending $50 million to build a cluster of scientifically questionable water-storage wells north of Lake Okeechobee? The broader restoration project known as LOWRP intends to reduce the need for damaging discharges to the northern…

Southern Storage Reservoir May Make Water Dirtier

February 27, 2020

They did what?? That was our response when we heard that the Army Corps of Engineers had slid in eleventh-hour language changes to an important new report on the Everglades Agricultural Area Reservoir planned for south of Lake Okeechobee. The…

Is the City of Stuart’s Lawsuit Dead?

February 20, 2020

In the decades-long saga that is Everglades restoration, there’s been very little progress that doesn’t have roots in a state or federal courtroom battle. CLICK HERE TO BECOME A BULLSUGAR.ORG MEMBER! It’s thanks to a federal lawsuit in the 80’s…
