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Scientist Calls Cyanobacteria Crisis “Florida’s Fukushima”

October 31, 2019

“We fear that South Florida may be the Fukushima of cyanobacterial exposure.” – Dr. Paul Cox   Let that sink in. Last Thursday, Bullsugar and Friends of the Everglades teamed up with the Calusa Waterkeeper to premiere a screening of the…


Happy Hour

October 28, 2019

Join Bullsugar.org and Friends of the Everglades for Happy Hour at District Table & Bar on November 12, 2019 from 5-7 PM. You’re invited to attend Bullsugar.org and Friends of the Everglades for specialty priced happy hour hors d’oeuvres and…


Premiere: Guardians of Our Troubled Waters

October 28, 2019

We welcome you to join us for a film premiere of Guardians of Troubled Waters, The River Heroes of the South. When: Thursday, November 7, 2019 at 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM Where: Coral Gables Congregational United Church of Christ 3010…


Documentary Examines Human Health Effects of HAB’s

October 24, 2019

A screening of the documentary, Troubled Waters, is open to the public tonight in downtown Miami. Don’t wait! If you’re in the area, CLICK HERE for your last chance to buy tickets! Calusa Waterkeeper’s exclusive documentary, Troubled Waters premiered to…

Brevard County leaders have failed to address our poop problem

October 21, 2019

Article Reference: Brevard County leaders have failed to address our poop problem | Opinion By Mike Fleming “Let’s talk about poop. No one I know really enjoys an honest and candid conversation on the matter, rightly preferring innuendo, puns, and…


NEW VIDEO: Spotlight on Dr. Deborah Mash

October 17, 2019

“This is a health issue… we, as Floridians, need to be very concerned.“ Calls for serious attention to public health impacts from harmful algae blooms are on the rise and warnings like this one take on a new sense of…


JOIN US: Documentary “TROUBLED WATERS” Premieres in Miami

October 15, 2019

Will you join us? “Troubled Waters” explores the human health impacts and emerging medical science of harmful algal blooms. Save the date to join us for a Miami premiere on October 24th at the Silverspot Cinema. The documentary screening will…


“The Everglades’ Wild Hope”

October 10, 2019

Pursuing a change in the operational management of Lake Okeechobee–like lowering lake levels in the dry season to protect human and environmental health as the Army Corps did this year–is one way to reverse Florida’s toxic tide now. During the…


This is Why We Fight

October 3, 2019

Editor of Florida Sportsman Magazine, Blair Wickstrom, spends a Sunday afternoon enjoying the St. Lucie River, to close out September.  “One year ago today the river would have been toxic, probably deadly, to our dogs. Plus the water would have…


Clean 19–A Nontoxic Summer

September 26, 2019

This week brought the end of another Florida summer, sans some of the more nightmarish qualities of summers past.  In 2018, we saw devastating consequences following months of toxic Lake Okeechobee discharges. People got sick, animals died by the tons,…
