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SFWMD: Snakes on a Plain!

May 26, 2017

And now for something completely different… SFWMD has the cure for “bad news” fatigue. It’s the python channel! All pythons, all the time. Research linking cyanobacteria to liver failure ignited a recent wave of alarm as more evidence surfaced connecting toxic…

Toxic Algae Linked to Deaths from Liver Diseases

May 22, 2017

People are dying. Researchers around the world are studying the link between toxins in cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) and serious, long-term health risks, and evidence is piling up connecting algae blooms to fatal diseases. TC Palm today covered a decade-long Ohio…

How SFWMD and the Army Corps Got One Right

May 19, 2017

By Peter Girard No one has been a louder critic of SFWMD than Bullsugar. But the district and the Army Corps of Engineers have a legitimate success with the Kissimmee River project. By focusing on returning the river to its historic condition, letting…

Bud Jordan: Investing in Martin County’s Future

May 16, 2017

Bud Jordan built a legacy of personal investment in Martin County. After watching US Sugar infiltrate and turn a local institution against itself, he walked away from a group he founded. But instead of a bitter lesson, Jordan’s work is…

Two Steps Forward, NO Steps Back

May 15, 2017

Almost everyone in Martin County has been involved in helping Sen. Joe Negron pass SB10 to send water south and save our river and the Everglades. The Stuart News pointed out that David won a great battle against Goliath, but…

What Are We Celebrating?

May 5, 2017

By Chris Maroney As you’ve probably heard, Senate President’s Joe Negron’s EAA Reservoir bill passed the Florida legislature this week.  You’ve also probably heard the bill was watered down, and it was — but make no mistake: this is a real…

Congratulations to Eric Burnett, Winner of the Bullsugar.org Custom Nautilus Reel!

May 3, 2017

Eric Burnett is the quintessential Florida sportfisherman. Fishes for lots of species, salt and fresh. Appreciates world-class fisheries. And top-quality tackle. Fly fishes with professional guides. Worries about their future and about the next generation’s chances to fish these waters.…

Shared Adversity? Caloosahatchee Salinity Reaches Lethal Levels While Sugar Thrives

April 29, 2017

For the last month, the Caloosahatchee estuary hasn’t gotten the freshwater it needs to survive. This week salinity levels at Ft. Myers climbed high enough to kill tape grass, the lifeline for virtually everything in this environment. The cause is…

The Richest Waterway in North America. And We’re Killing It.

April 28, 2017

Florida is home to the most biodiverse marine environment in North America. It’s not the Everglades. Or Florida Bay. Or the Gulf Coast. More species live in the St. Lucie and Indian River Lagoon than in any other waterway on the continent.…

The St. Lucie: North America’s Most Biodiverse Estuary

April 23, 2017

Dr. Grant Gilmore of the Florida Oceans and Coastal Council identified hundred of species within a few miles of the St. Lucie estuary, making it North America’s most biodiverse. Threatening any estuary with toxic discharges is tragically flawed water management.…
